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Herbstempfang des Wirtschaftsrates

Autumn-Meeting of German Economic Council framed by vintage cars

The German Economic Council gladly followed the invitation of Arthur Bechtel Classic Motors and invited its members to this year’s autumn-meeting into the showroom of Arthur Bechtel Classic Motors.

Not only the more than 200 members showed themselves exalted about our luxury classical jewels. 

Key-Speaker Julia Klöckner, vice chairwoman of CDU, Berlin as well as Mr. Werner M. Bahlsen in his capacity as president of German Economic Council, showed themselves more than interested in our excellent classic cars. 

Host Arthur Bechtel entertained his guests with the company’s history and anecdotes about the cars. 

Most of the guests – exclusively entrepreneurs from Baden-Württemberg – remained long time after the official parts end, which showed to us the great fascination for vintage cars transverse society and all professional guilds.